Who Says There's No Such Thing As Perfect?
Our approach to achieving perfection is to understand the relationship between things. Nothing is perfect on its own, but magic happens when it's paired with that just right something else. At Perfect Buns, we amplify the perfection in every ingredient used to craft our smash burger and handheld favorites by selectively sourcing only the best ingredients and preparing each one to complement each other, well, perfectly.

What We Believe In
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is the sign of perfection." - Curnonsky, Prince of Gastronomy. It's hard, if not impossible, to perfect complex. We focus on what we know we do well, and we make everything easy and accessible. Uncomplicated service. Uncomplicated menu. Easy to choose. Easy to Order. Easy to taste. Easy to feel good about. Easy to love.
When you do just the right things, just the right way, you can afford to be very selective. Perfection is in the details. Every choice we make that impacts the guest taste experience is carefully considered. We audition every ingredient paying close attention to how each compliments the others. In other words, it's not just a pickle. It's the perfect pickle for what we are creating.
The best foods you'll ever put in your mouth are the ones you'll pick up with your hands. It's a full-on, total sensory experience that leads to that moment of truth when you hold those perfect buns and take that first bite. It's only perfect when it all adds up to wow.